They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll

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English | Spanish | Italian | Farsi | Chinese

2 hr 47 min


Price: $19.95

Is it true that Satan is the master musician working behind the popular music scene and influencing our youth?

Fasten your seat belts as you go on an eye-popping ride upon the roller coaster of Rock, and find out how Rock’s most popular artists have Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll. In this mind-blowing exposé Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God’s plan for the family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth.

It’s time to remove the blinders – guard yourself and those you love from one of Satan’s most powerful tools!

Hosted and narrated by Pastor Joe Schimmel.

Is it true that Satan is the master musician working behind the popular music scene and influencing our youth?

In this mind-blowing exposé Pastor Joe Schimmel reveals just how Satan has been effectively using popular music to undermine God’s plan for the family and ultimately heralding the coming of the Antichrist and his kingdom on earth.

2 hr 47 min


American Flag Mexico Flag Italian Flag Iran Flag China Flag


Price: $19.95

Written, Produced & Directed by

Joe Schimmel

Joe Schimmel

Since 1987 Pastor Joe Schimmel has been equipping Christians with the truth of God’s word. His testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in his own life can be seen in his powerful exposé, They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll. This presentation has been heard during live presentations around the world, in which he describes his own deliverance from the bondage and satanic influence of Rock Music at the age of 18. As head of Good Fight Ministries and Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California since 1990, Joe’s life work and ministry are dedicated to carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Written, Produced & Directed by

Joe Schimmel


Since 1987 Pastor Joe Schimmel has been equipping Christians with the truth of God’s word. His testimony of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in his own life can be seen in his powerful exposé, They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll. This presentation has been heard during live presentations around the world, in which he describes his own deliverance from the bondage and satanic influence of Rock Music at the age of 18. As head of Good Fight Ministries and Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California since 1990, Joe’s life work and ministry are dedicated to carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.


They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll 10-HR Version

They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll (10-HR Version)

10-HRS (4-Disc Set) | TV-MA | 2004 | $39.95

Get the complete 10-hour version of this critically-acclaimed documentary to see much more content on each artist not shown in the 3-hour version.

Other Music Video Exposés by Good Fight

Did you watch They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll? If so, what did you think? Leave a comment below to let us know what you think.


  1. DW

    I love pastor Joe and his work and his heartfelt commitment to Jesus Christ and the Gospel. And I am grateful for all his hard work. However, watching this video stirred in me emotions from when I was not in a right walk with the Lord. I felt like I was watching a secular concert. It was unnecessary to play that demonic music over and over, or to repeat choruses multiple times. I have been praying for the Lord to purge that trash from my mind. Hearing it again was not a good thing for me. I do not believe we need to hear that evil to understand what’s being said. It would like having us watch pornography as you explain why we shouldn’t watch it. It would have been better to just give the lyrics without the tune, because the tune is what’s used to get stuck in your head. I would love to see you redo this and cut out a lot of the unnecessary repeat music, or update it to what is going on in music now.

    • John Phillips

      Hi, Goodfight! I just love your site and watch you often! Thank you for your honest, courageous work. Sincerely, John F. Phillips.

      • Good Fight

        Praise the Lord John! Thanks for your encouraging words.

  2. Maria L.

    Wow! The 3-hour video was eye opening. As a Christian for many years and listening to a some of the songs (in the video) on the radio throughout the years, I had no idea of the meaning behind the lyrics, especially “Stairway to Heaven”. George Harrison’s song was easy to figure but, he is correct on how catchy the melody is. This video has convicted me to keep my ears to listening to music that praises the Lord and that I need to do some deleting from my Spotify playlist, too. Lastly, as I was watching the video about the young people in the 60’s and 70’s who were all into the Summer of Love, drugs, sexual revolution and anti-War, it came to me that people from that particular generation are now running our Federal, State governments & courts; they own big tech companies; they run the WHO, the WEF; the EU; and more. Hmm…

  3. Zoran

    This video changed my life, I used to be a dance music producer and just about that time I watched this – I was having dreams of entire songs from start to finish, vivid dreams, I thought it was my subconscious mind. After I realized what it was – I stopped doing music and got back to Christ. Life is hard

  4. Aubrie

    This was a wild eye opener. I have been saved and have been reading my word, but still thought the music was fine. I was blown away by the obvious truth you lay out here. As a parent, this worries me for my children

  5. Marqui

    I Loved this video! Can you purchase the 10 hr on streaming? Or just DVD? Thanks

    • Good Fight

      The 10-HR version is currently only available on DVD. We are working on getting it on streaming too.

    • Julia Wilkins

      Does the ten hour version include country music

      • Good Fight

        Just a little bit. We are beginning work on a project that will be dealing with Country music exclusively. Lord willing it will be out in 2024.

  6. Angie Ramos

    Thank you for your extraordinary hard work in bringing this doc to the public! I feel with other videos on this subject matter, it is sometimes easy for many people to disregard, make excuses for & chalk it up to coincidence, some of the satanic links. It’s easy for people to watch such videos & find them interesting, yet walk away & carry on with their daily lives just like before. This video is different in that, when all is said & done, there is no way you can excuse or disregard all the satanism & luciferianism involved in music. It is deeply thought provoking at least, planting seeds of truth in the viewer, & life changing at best, which is what it was for me when I first saw it. It was your work that propelled me to wake up & realize that this stuff was very real & no coincidence, & to start to warn others. Thank you again!!!

  7. Shari

    Thank you so much for your hard work in revealing the truth behind the antichrist spirit in music and entertainment. Bless you all.
    I’m from Australia and would like to buy some of your DVD’s – how could I do this? Thanks

    • Good Fight

      Praise the Lord Shari. You can purchase items through our online store. We ship to Australia. God bless.

  8. John pia

    Thanks so much for this free viewing it’s the best exposure on rock I have ever seen 😉

  9. Wendy

    I really started feeling a way, after watching the first fifteen minutes or so, hence I think it would be a good idea for you to tell folks that they should, pray up, if u will, before watching it. This is prolly one of the scariest battles that our society has seen. That being said, it’s a perfect platform to bring unbelievers to our Savior, Jeshuah Hamachiac.
    Even so, come Lord Jesus!!

  10. Adrien Lucas

    Dear Pastor Joe, thank you from the bottom of my heart! This movie “They sold their souls” is an awsome piece of work. Every christian should see it, every church should make it accessible for their members, especially the younger ones. I live in Europe and only very few people can watch a movie like this one without subtitles. Is there a way to create a german version? A french version, a spanish version, etc? I would gladly help if needed! In these end times we’re living in, spreading such a message is so important. People here listen to such music almost 24/7, without understanding a word, but nevertheless being exposed to this evil without having a clue most of the time…

    • Good Fight

      Praise the Lord! We are working on making this available with other languages.

    • Alexandra Spears

      It isn’t just the lyrics, it’s also the music/beat. I was watching a video on how sounds can affect water. A lot of music such as classical can make the water form beautiful molecular structures…and guess what heavy metal does! Just the opposite!

      I have played flute for over 40 years and am teaching myself clarinet. My preference is to practice hymns. My relatives have indicated that they feel more relaxed/calm when they hear the hymns. 👍

  11. Nicole M

    I can’t thank you enough for offering this free three hour video. I watched your videos on YouTube before coming here. I have stopped listening to secular music and I’m wary of most of the Christian artists I’ve listened to for years (I’m 51). I’ve always listened to every genre. I hope it’s in the future for you to cover Motown, jazz & opera (if there is anything to worry about there-and I suspect there is). Thank you for sharing God’s message. Lucifer is such a sneaky & seducing spirit & we must battle to keep our minds & hearts on things above amidst all the temptations.

    • Good Fight

      You are very welcome! We are so glad you are edified by the work the Lord is doing through this ministry. God bless.

  12. Ryan Kuehnau

    When I was 13 my Dad showed me Rock and Roll sorcery of New Age Revolution by Pastor Schimmel. I thought it was crazy at the time until I became older and went through some life changing experiences that led me to Christ. I found it on YouTube and always wondered what happened to you. That presentation woke me up to the spiritual war we are in on a daily basis, not at first but 15 years later. It always stuck with me though. There’s a reason why they call it spelling… and when you’re singing the songs they are spells being cast upon you! I’m glad I found your website and videos! I hope you sell the old one as well! Take care God bless and thank you for all the hard work you do

  13. Stephanie Gwinn

    What ever happened to the David Bowie video? Also, is the sequel to “They Sold Their Souls” ever coming out? I remember hearing about it years ago and it still isn’t out.

      • Marianne

        Wonderful videos – watched both 30 minute one and the almost 3 hour video… mind blowing how we have been deceived with the words in the songs. Watching the movement in the concerts that shows just how satanic, evil and vile the music world is. Just hocked how Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven is so demonic, God hating the true Creator and Father Almighty with our Messiah Jesus. Christ who died for our sins. Thank you Pastor Joe for showing me the truth and the works of Lucifer. God bless you all. 💕🙏


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