Where Is The Love?

“Okay, I feel like I need to say something… I have not watched the videos but I have looked through the website and I read all the positive comments in the Guest Book. There is something that is bothering me… Where’s the love? Music is powerful. It...

The Bible is Just a Book

“It’s amazing to me that people like the creators and followers of this site have enough nerve to tell me how to live my life, when they base their entire life on the "teachings" of a BOOK. Or maybe I’m just being manipulated by Satan. I’m...
Isn’t All Music Tainted By Satan?

Isn’t All Music Tainted By Satan?

A person calling themself “Agnostic Visitor” visited our website and asked the following question: “If you really believe music can be a possible avenue for Satan to work his evil, and you also believe that Satan is powerful enough to be God’s...