Are You on the Road to Heaven?

Are You on the Road to Heaven?

According to the World Health Organization, over 153,000 people die each and every day. Countless souls are unaware that today their heart may stop and this could be their last day on earth. Millions die each year in an unexpected manner, unready to face eternity....
Your Time on Earth is Running Out

Your Time on Earth is Running Out

For a number of years the Rolling Stones sang “Time Is On My Side,” but as they creak around the stage, they can no longer sing that song with a straight face. The reality is that time is not on anyone’s side. Many things are of great value because they are so rare....
The Perilous Problems with Pot

The Perilous Problems with Pot

The Dumbing Down and Demonic Infiltration of a Nation Caused by Increased Marijuana Use In the last election cycle, the U.S. did not only get a new president, but three more states legalized the recreational use of the drug marijuana. Of the five states where...