Marvel & DC’s War on God: Doctor Strange, Aleister Crowley and the Multiverse of Satanism


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Almost everyone is unaware of the true history of one of today’s most popular Marvel characters, Doctor Strange. What is the connection to Satanist Aleister Crowley, Satanism, the ancient heresy of Gnosticism and Doctor Strange? To truly understand the spiritual foundation of Marvel cosmology, one must first understand the influence behind many of the comic book writers. These same influences were brought into the first iterations of Doctor Strange beginning in 1961, when he was first introduced as Dr. Droom, and then Dr. Druid in 1976. Journey with us as we pull back the curtain further in Part 2 of Marvel & DC’s War on God to discover how the top movie franchises are continuing to indoctrinate and perpetuate Satanic lies to hundreds of millions of young people among their unsuspecting audience.

Marvel & DC’s War on God is an eye-opening exposé series that documents how popular comic books – and the movies that they have spawned – are riddled with anti-Christ themes that glorify gratuitous violence, sexual perversion, blasphemy, and the occult. Many leading comic book writers have admitted that they are using seduction, manipulation, the occult, and even the bible to influence our children to view the God of the bible from a twisted slant.

This documentary series is designed to help parents and young people alike to better discern the underlying messages in many popular comic books and movies that affect millions of professing Christian families. As we seek to know the Lord and follow His word, it is imperative that we are wise to the ways of the evil one in popular culture.

Part 2 has information on the following:

Doctor Strange vs Siseneg
Aleister Crowley (The Wickedest Man Who Ever Lived)
The Satanic Origins of Doctor Strange
The Scarlet Witch (The Whore of Babylon)


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Additional information

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × .125 in
Produced by

Good Fight Films

Written & Directed by

Joseph M. Schimmel

Associate Producers

Tony Palacio
Josh Spidel
Chad Davidson
Tommy Pinneri
Doug Stebleton

Running Time

116 Minutes

Release Date

September 2, 2022

Distributed by

Good Fight Ministries

Product Code


UPC Barcode



DVD9-DL (Dual Layer), NTSC, Region Code 0 (Worldwide)

Aspect Ratio

16:9 Letterbox, 1080p


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